
在推理社,社员们能够从最初的一头雾水到逐步揭晓真相的过程中,锻炼自身的思维,强化Critical Thinking的能力,在推理中找到乐趣。

当看似混乱的信息被堆积起来时,我们往往会将注意力放在与题目表面的信息上,却容易忽视许多重要的细节;与此同时,许多存进记忆的信息也容易被扭曲。而真相逐渐浮出水面时,很多信息被重新联系到一起,形成一条完整的逻辑网。 这便是推理。在部分推理类游戏中,我们还需要对剧情中出现的人物心理进行分析和侧写。但不管过程如何艰难,当推理逐渐接近真相时,参与者都会收获成功的喜悦。


In the reasoning club, members can exercise their Thinking, strengthen Critical Thinking ability, and find fun in reasoning during the process of gradually revealing the truth from the initial confusion. When seemingly chaotic information is piled up, we tend to pay attention to the information on the surface of the topic, but tend to ignore many important details; At the same time, much of the information stored in memory can be easily distorted. As the truth gradually emerges, many pieces of information are reconnected to form a complete logical web. This is reasoning. In some inference games, we also need to analyze and profile the psychology of the characters in the plot. But no matter how difficult the process, when the reasoning gradually approaches the truth, the participants will reap the joy of success. Therefore, we combine the popular literature and game works to popularize the theory of logic, deepen the members’ understanding of theoretical knowledge, and apply it. Most importantly, let members get the joy of reasoning.